Features of E-Roll for mass production(φ40~φ62).
Steel S25C pipe material(Surface treatment is applied after grooving) + both ends made of stainless steel.
The groove section is made of steel S25C pipe material, and the both ends is made of stainless steel. So the E-Roll is both light-weighted and corrosion resistant.
Standard E-Roll(Diameter of the groove section is Φ50mm and the length is 1500mm), Compared to solid steel, it is possible to reduce the weight by 8.5kg.
The cell vloume of each groove is precisely managed.
The groove volume of E-Roll(both length direction and circle direction) is managed with high accuracy, so that, high-precision coating can be expected.
Quality assurance
We measure and regulate the shape of grooves(Such as pitch, height and pocket area).
Please feel free to contact us for other measurement items, or issurance of inspection sheet.
We can also investigate your anilox roll (small gravure roll) in-use now.
It's possible to find out the issues and problems caused by the anilox roll (small gravure roll) and propose solutions to them.
Post-delivery support
We can also investigate our products after use if necessary.